Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress

The Ontological Foundations of Islamic Model of Progress
The chair and symposium; Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress Series

Dr. Qasem Tarkhan, Dr. Mohammad-Hasan Qadrdan-Qaramaleki, Dr. Mohammad Jafari Harandi, Dr. Mohammad-Javad Roudgar, Mohammad-Taqi Sohrabifar and Mahdi Abdollahi delivered speech in this two days event.

In the first day, 14 june 2015, Dr Roudgar elaborated his theory on the signification of Islamic Iranian model of progress. He said the Islamic Iranian model of progress is a critical and vital category in the structure of the personal and social life as well as the infrastructure approach in the formation and perfection of modern Islamic civilization. An important foundation this model would be the ontological foundations formed by its Islamic sources.

He mentioned that comprehensiveness, perfection, universality, and eternality are among the components of Islamic model of progress.

In the next day that was held on 16 June 2015, Dr. Qasem Tarkhan, the head of Theology department at IICT, started his speech as the main speaker by referring to the ontological principles, the world as system planned and devised by God, and the goals and ultimate perfection of all beings.

In this regard, designing and formulating an Islamic-Iranian model of progress lies in three main pillars: the philosophy of model, Islamic theory of progress, Islamic Iranian model of progress with its mechanisms.

The other participant of this chair evaluated the examined the two issues during these two days.