Prof. Mahmoud Hekmatnia met Prof. Mirushe Hoxha

Dr. Mahmoud Hekmatnia, professor at the Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought (IICT) hosted Dr. Mirushe Hoxha, professor at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia on January 23rd , 2017.

,Prof Mahmoud Hekmatnia, who is professor at some universities, academic centers and seminaries, is also professor at the Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought (IICT). Currently, he is also the research deputy director of IICT. His experience includes comparative and analytical research works and high management positions. His research works are especially in the areas of Intellectual property law, philosophy of law and jurisprudence (fiqh).

Prof Mirushe Hoxha, the foreign participant, is professor at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, Macedonia, and professor at the Faculty of Language, Cultures and Communication – Department of International Communication at the South East European University (SEEU), Tetovo&Skopje, Macedonia.  She got her PhD in Humanistic sciences and also a PhD in Law. She has also three master degrees: Master of Humanistic Sciences (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Master of Law, Economy and Management (Faculty of Law and Political Science, “Nice-Sophia Antipolis” University, Nice, France), and Master of Law and Political Science (Faculty of Law and Political Science, “Nice-Sophia Antipolis” University, Nice, France).

In this meeting, at first, Mr. Javad Taheri, administrator of International Affairs of IICT and Organizer of the Meeting, asked Prof Mahmoud Hekmatnia to introduce himself and IICT, especially its centers and divisions, its scientific activities and programs. He, then, described the aims and goals of holding this meeting and then asked Prof Mirushe Hoxha to introduce herself.

Prof Mirushe Hoxha introduced herself and delivered a report about the status of her field in Macedonia and academic works which have been done in her institute and what will be done in future. She agreed that cooperation between Macedonia and Iran especially between Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje and Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought should be encouraged.

She assured to follow up the issue of collaboration between her university and Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought.

Prof Mirushe believed that the main concern is about the phenomenon which has been conceived as religion in many countries. For more clarification, she gave examples about how the notion of religious law has been misunderstood in western and eastern cultures. She also promised to establish relationships between IICT and some departments and institutes in Macedonia.

During the meeting, Prof Mahmoud Hekmatnia discussed many issues in the field of law and jurisprudence with his counterpart Prof Mirushe.

At the end of the meeting, Prof Mahmoud Hekmatnia and Prof Mirushe Hoxhaagreed emphasized on the fact that both sides, Iranian and foreign institutes, need to be in touch in different ways such as video conferences, personal correspondences and co-authorship of articles in Persian and English in order to pave the way for deep common researches in the field of law and the related fields.


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