Dr. Mohammad Reza Sangari
Head of Department
Get Resume: CV Sangari
Mahmoud kullivand
Expert Group
The “Andisheh Group” is one of the five scientific groups of the Institute for Social Studies and Culture. The group also has two specialized circles of “fiction literature” and “poetry.” The “Fiction Literature” circle was founded in 1382, and the “Poetry” circle was founded in 1390.
Goals and general plans:
- Setting up for the formation of literary flow towards Islamic knowledge and wisdom, and encouraging writers of literature to create works worthy of religious intellectual themes,
- Scientific and critical encounters with rival and opposition schools and circles in the field of literature,
- Comparative study of western and Islamic literary schools and theories
- Explaining the theoretical foundations of religious literature and theorizing and innovating in this field and forging the formation of a self-confident and emerging Islamic base in the field of literary criticism.
Some work is done or done
- Holding a Ph.D. in Farsi Language and Literature, with the Orientation of the Islamic Revolution Literature / Obtaining Permits and Holding from October 2012
- Master Degree in literary criticism / At the examination stage and approval at the Council
- Conducting a series of meetings of the “Critique of Story of Thoughts” (1383-1386) / New Summer Period 1391
- Design and implementation of the first cycle of literary criticism training in “Story Orientation” in fifteen study courses in the form of four semesters; 1387-8 / New period of February 2012
- The design and compilation of the “About Fiction Literature” series has been completed in twenty-five volumes / seven offices.
Members of the Department of Thought Literature: