Dr. Mohammad Javad Roodgar
Director of Gnostic Group
Mohammad Mahdi Rouhani Nejad
Expert Group
Goals and general plans:
- Investigation and critique of epistemic Islamic heritage in the fields of mystic philosophy, theoretical mysticism, practical mysticism and mystical correspondence, prayers and related topics
- The reorganization and proper provision of Islamic teachings in the language of time in terms of new ideas and needs in the areas mentioned
- Inference of the mystical education from the sources of proof, especially the teachings of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS) and the innovation and theorizing in the subject areas of the group
- Comparative surveys of schools and voters and field studies in the subject area of the group
- Criticism of Prophecy and Deviations and Responding to Induced Doubts in the Sphere of Gnosticism and Islamic Spirituality
Faculty Members of Gnostic Group: