The world government of Imam al-Mahdi contradicts the idea of secularism

Referring to the narrations and answers to some doubts in this Imam al-Mahdi, the faculty member of the Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought emphasized that the world government of Imam al-Mahdi contradicts the idea of secularism and the Imam’s justice is pervasive in all fields.

Hojjat al-Islam Abdolhussein Khousroupanah offered his congratulations on the joyous birth anniversary of Imam al-Mahdi and discussed the Mahdist government and politics and stressed that the Mahdist government will be in stark contrast to secularist thought.

He said, “Mild secularism is content to limit religion to individual and personal needs but it also separates any social needs such as politics, government, economics, law, social ethics, education, and management from religion and if this thought is objectively realized in society, secularization and materialism will also occur.”

Hojjat al-Islam Khousroupanah emphasized that the theory of secularization and the separation of religion from the needs of the world isn’t compatible with any of the fields of Islam and said, “The history of Islam and the practical lifestyle of the Holy Prophet and the Infallible Imams are in stark contrast to secularism and Islamic laws in the fields of economics, law, politics, management, ethics, education and so on also refute this claim.”


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