“Essays on the Philosophy of Knowledge” Published

According to the Public Relations of the Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, the book Essays on the Philosophy of Wisdom by Mehdi Abbaszadeh has been published by the Publishing House of IICT.

In this work, which is structured as a collection of essays, seven topics related to “wisdom,” “epistemology,” and surrounding issues are examined from the perspective of some Islamic and sometimes Western philosophers. These topics include: the nature of the philosophy of wisdom and its domain, the role of Shiite philosophers in the expansion of epistemology, immediate perception in the philosophy of Suhrawardi and Heidegger, non-conceptual wisdom of being (existence) in the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Heidegger, the influence of values on knowledge from the perspective of Sadr al-Muta’allehin, human sciences and their epistemological foundations in the Islamic approach, and finally, the relationship between cognitive sciences and Islamic philosophy.

The book Essays on the Philosophy of Wisdom by Mehdi Abbaszadeh is available for purchase at a price of 280,000 Toman per volume.

Interested individuals can visit the official website of the Publishing House of the Research Institute for more information or to purchase the book at: www.poiict.ir.