Zamaneh Magazine, with its historical sociology approach in the fields of thought, culture and literature, has begun a dynamic, the main purpose of which is to expand and deepen the intellectual intellectual culture of the Islamic Revolution and to strengthen this front in confronting the opposing front.
The times, areas, and topics are diverse. Fields such as thought, literature, art, culture and cultural institutions, the Islamic world, contemporary history, the history of the Islamic revolution, media and virtual space, ethics, religions and differences, economics, etc .; in all these areas, the attitude and approach of historical sociology, the reputation The efforts of the content forces of the publication and in every subject, this perspective is in front of their eyes.
Attempts are made to print a piece of paper in all of these areas and to analyze and analyze topics that are relevant to every area of the press. The goals of this magazine are as follows:
- Promote and promote the discourse of the Islamic Revolution with a focus on religious retelling.
- Relying on strengthening the intellectual intellectual front of the revolution in the context of the discourse of the Islamic Revolution.
- Pathology of policies, engineering, organizations and attention to experiences in different fields.
- Correct, free-thinking, and assertive study of the history of the evolution with an emphasis on the contemporary era.
- Improving the ability to analyze and modify the audience’s attitude based on the discourse of the Islamic Revolution.
Over the past few years, the following topics have been discussed in detail in various issues: Islamic Revolution, critique and innovation, national security, globalization, Orientalism, constitutionalism, the events of September 1320, Iran-US relations, and the student movement.
To contact the monthly magazine and more information, go to the official website of Zamaneh monthly magazine .