Mohammad Abedi


Member information first name and last name Year of Birth Department Academic Rank
Mohammad Abedi 1973 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranology, Institute of Wisdom and Religious Studies
Language proficiency English Arabic German Turkish
good Very good
Narrative biography  




Academic records P.H.D


Thesis title


thesis title


Research Interests
Research underway Pathology of political perceptions of the Holy Quran
The book of the Enjoining Good in Shiite interpretations
The book of Abdolmajid Salim, ‌ Preacher of Unity
Crime prevention in the Quran
Enjoining Good in the biography and words of Imam Hussein (AS)


Research activities
Title Type of Activity Place of publication / ordering Year of publication
Book Article Conference Research Project
The book of economic Jihad from the perspective of the Quran * IICT
Political task from the perspective of the Quran * IICT
The place of leadership in the political system from the perspective of the Quran * IICT
Fundamentals of politics from the perspective of the Qur’an * IICT
Book of Quranic Knowledge * IICT
A book on the divine test in the Qur’an * Young Thought Center
Principles and principles of political interpretation * IICT
Duties of the government in crime prevention in the Islamic society * Noor Al-Sajjad (AS)
The Role of Government in Crime Prevention * Noor Al-Sajjad (AS)
Human nature and its outputs in political life with emphasis on the views of Allameh Tabatabai and Shahid Motahhari * Religion Anthropology
Criteria for the validity of the statements of the Holy Quran with emphasis on the political statements of the Quran * Mind Magazine
Man’s political duty from the perspective of the theological foundations in the Qur’an * IICT
Fundamentals of Quranic Ontology and its Results in the Islamic Politics of Qabasat *
Implications of theological principles in the field of politics from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai. * Political knowledge
Interpretive Tendencies in Rahnama Tafsir * Research Mirror


Title Type of Activity destination country Year of attendance
Speaker Critic Referee


Professional Service
Post The year begins End year Location of activity


National Scientific Awards and Honors
Activity Rank Festival/Ceremony Year


Innovative Scientific Projects
project title Institute Year