Qabasat Journal call for papers
This quarterly introduces philosophical, social and cultural subjects in religion, epistemology, and Islamic knowledge and systems. Its main aims are:
□ Responding to the current religious issues
□ Elaborating theoretical and rational foundations of religious thought and Islamic Revolution doctrines considering priorities of the elites
Qbasat holds the certificate of Scientific-Research degree given by the Ministry of Sciences, Researches and Technology and is printed with the highest number of volumes in each issue. There have been 46 issues of this periodical until now and the following topics have been discussed there:
rationalism, philosophy of religion, religion and the world, religion and liberty, religion and development, psychology of religion, philosophy of Mulla Sadra, epistemology, religion and ethics, civilizations, cultures, contradiction or cooperation, theological and epistemological principles of jurisprudence, religious hermeneutics, logic of comprehending religion, Imam Ali school of thought, political doctrine, language of religion, religious experience, contemporary research in religion, research in Quran, philosophy of jurisprudence, philosophy of awaiting and globalization, Humanities and Islamic sciences, the Nature, religious Pluralism, co-related philosophies, proofs to Gods existence, philosophy of history, religions, anthropology, and Imamate.
Qbasat won the first place in “Specialized Research” in the first Islamic Press Festival and the essays “Religious Experience and Objectivity” (26), “The Mystics and Mans Expectations from Religion” (24), “An Overview to Religious Experience” (26) were chosen as the best essays.
Available Abstracts in English: