Monthly Archives: December 2018

Law and Jurisprudence Department

            Law and Jurisprudence DepartmentGoals and Programs:·        Researching in Islam legal system·        Understanding Islam legal system and presenting its practical models·        Presenting practical and...

Theology and Religion Research Department

          Theology Department Goals and Programs:·        Researching Islamic theology and reviewing works of great Muslim theologians·        Explaining and coordinating Islamic thoughts according to today...

Politics Department

                 Political Studies DepartmentGoals and Programs:·        Elaborating theoretical foundations and principles in political system of Islam·        Theorizing and elaborating the stable institutions in political...


Zehn Persian Website "Zehn" is the only specialized periodical in "Epistemology" with below aims: □       Researching and developing the basis and principles of Islamic...


Zamaneh Persian Website The monthly "Zamaneh" is on contemporary history of politics and thoughts in Iran. The main aims of this magazine are:□       Analyzing and...

Law & Jurisprudence

Law & JurisprudenceLaw & Jurisprudence Persian Website The quarterly "Law and Jurisprudence" is on Islamic law and jurisprudence, and the following policies are considered. The...


Periodicals:IICT and its related institutions now publish eight periodicals named: Hekmat Journal Al-Hikmah (Arabic)QabasatIslamic Economy ZehnKetab-NaghdZamanehLaw & Jurisprudence

Hekmat Journal

A Critical, Intellectual Journal ISSN: 2008-577x Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year Subjects: Philosophy, Epistemology, Religious Research International Journal of Hekmat is...

Islamic Economy

Islamic Economics Islamic Economics Persian Website   "Islamic Economics" is a specialized quarterly that holds the certificate of ...

Islamic Systems Faculty

The research center includes six groups: "Law and Jurisprudence", "Politics", "Economy", "Ethics and Education", "Islamic Management", and "The Youth Thought"Goals and Programs:·        Reconsidering and...